22.03.28 Mint SMALL FOR WEB 186

Mint achieves Toitū net carbonzero certification

6 July 2022 David Fyfe

We are pleased to have achieved our Toitū net carbonzero certification. At Mint, Environmental Social and Governance matters are a key cornerstone of our business and something our staff are passionate about and engaged in. As investment managers, we spend plenty of time assessing our investment universe and its interaction to ESG factors. While an outward focus is important, we have turned the focus back on ourselves as we look to align Mint with best practice and continual improvement. Our pathway toward the Toitū net carbonzero certification has helped us to identify, measure and set reduction goals for our greenhouse gas emissions. Our focus remains on what we can do as a business to reduce our footprint sustainably.

Toitū is a team of scientists and business experts who have come together to protect the ecological and economic future of our planet. It was established in 2001 as a way to inspire and enact change toward a better environment. The Toitū net carbonzero certification allows companies and organisations to collectively lead the way into a low carbon future. Toitū is a verb that means “to sustain” and the process asks us to measure, manage and reduce our environmental impacts and carbon emissions, as well as disclosing the results publicly. The organisation prioritises continuous improvement in the journey to reduce our environmental impact and regenerate our environment.

In assessing our own footprint, we have engaged with all our staff on our operational exposures including everything from paper usage to landfill waste as well as our essential travel activities and energy use. Now that we have established and measured our exposures, we have begun our next stage of the journey with measurable targets and proposed initiatives to achieve these. While some are small steps, like improving energy efficiency in the office, each initiative combined helps us on our journey to maximise our emissions reduction while offsetting our footprint with carbon credits as we do this, landing net carbon zero.

Disclaimer: David Fyfe is a Portfolio Manager in the Investment Team at Mint Asset Management Limited. The above article is intended to provide information and does not purport to give investment advice.

Mint Asset Management is the issuer of the Mint Asset Management Funds. Download a copy of the product disclosure statement here.

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