Fund Performance Summary

Returns as at 30 Nov 2024 (after fees and before all taxes).

  1 Month 1 Year 3 Years* 5 Years* Since Inception*
Mint Australasian Equity Fund 4.03% 19.48% 2.43% 3.67% 8.75%
Mint New Zealand SRI Equity Fund 3.14% 15.45% 1.05% 3.80% 7.47%
Mint Australasian Property Fund -1.16% 8.75% -3.98% -1.40% 5.10%
Mint Diversified Income Fund 1.48% 10.83% 2.26% 2.59% 4.12%
Mint Diversified Growth Fund 4.18% 17.98% 2.61% 7.91% 8.93%
Mint Diversified Alternatives Fund 1.03% 5.69% - - 1.77%
Mint Australasian Equity Fund
1 Month 4.03%
1 Year 19.48%
3 Years* 2.43%
5 Years* 3.67%
Since Inception* 8.75%
Mint New Zealand SRI Equity Fund
1 Month 3.14%
1 Year 15.45%
3 Years* 1.05%
5 Years* 3.80%
Since Inception* 7.47%
Mint Australasian Property Fund
1 Month -1.16%
1 Year 8.75%
3 Years* -3.98%
5 Years* -1.40%
Since Inception* 5.10%
Mint Diversified Income Fund
1 Month 1.48%
1 Year 10.83%
3 Years* 2.26%
5 Years* 2.59%
Since Inception* 4.12%
Mint Diversified Growth Fund
1 Month 4.18%
1 Year 17.98%
3 Years* 2.61%
5 Years* 7.91%
Since Inception* 8.93%
Mint Diversified Alternatives Fund
1 Month 1.03%
1 Year 5.69%
3 Years* -
5 Years* -
Since Inception* 1.77%

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Mint advises that all investors should seek independent financial advice prior to making any investment decisions. Mint returns are after all fees have been deducted and before tax.

* Per annum

Unit Price

As at 29 Nov 2024

Mint Australasian Equity Fund

Mint New Zealand SRI Equity Fund

Mint Australasian Property Fund

Mint Diversified Income Fund

Mint Diversified Growth Fund

Mint Diversified Alternatives Fund
light bulb fade2

We have designed five managed funds, each offering a different investment objective and level of risk.

Our Funds 

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