Rachel Arbuckle2 v2

Mint joins Responsible Investment Association Australasia

15 May 2023

We have recently become members of the Responsible Investing Association Australasia (RIAA). Its mission is to "promote, advocate for, and support approaches to Responsible Investment that align capital with achieving a healthy and sustainable society, environment and economy". RIAA has more than 450 members managing over US$29 trillion in assets globally. They aim to achieve their mission by providing a platform for members and the broader community to engage and focus on what leading practice looks like. They also look to influence policy makers and regulators, as well as providing tools for investors and consumers to navigate the RI world, amongst a range of other RI-related initiatives including product certifications.

For Mint, becoming a member of RIAA means we can access a range of research, resources, and support to allow us to continue to improve on our Responsible Investment journey. Membership is also one of the best ways we can demonstrate our leadership and commitment to responsible investment.

As with many memberships, we’ll get more out of RIAA the more we put in. To that end, our Head of Responsible Investment Rachel Tinkler will be joining some of the RIAA working groups. These working groups bring members together around important areas of work including corporate engagement, human rights, and impact investment. Rachel has been involved in a couple of these working groups in her previous role and has seen how powerful the resulting collaborations can be.

RIAA held their annual Australian conference in Melbourne in early May. Attending the conference allowed Rachel to reconnect with peers, experts in the Responsible Investment space, and RIAA working group members (a refreshing change from always meeting over screens!). There were numerous keynotes and panels from a variety of speakers across the industry and beyond. Key takeaways from the conference included the role stewardship and engagement must play in the transition; the importance of collaborative engagements; and the advice from the regulator that their focus on greenwashing will only increase. These are all in line with Mint’s increased focus on engagement and disclosure, and we look forward to bringing you more on these areas in the near future.

For more information on RIAA Annual Investment Benchmark Report 2022 click here. For more information on our Responsible Investment Policy click here.



Disclaimer: Rachel Tinkler is the Head of Responsible Investment. The above article is intended to provide information and does not purport to give investment advice.

Mint Asset Management is the issuer of the Mint Asset Management Funds. Download a copy of the product disclosure statement.

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